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to save time describing my first fill in detail (and to save those who aren’t fill virgins from having to read about it), i’m copying and pasting from a facebook message about “my first time.”

so i had my fill. it was weird. but cool. they put you on the x-ray table and stand you up (feels kind of like a vampire in a coffin sort of thing, minus the coffin. and the sharp teeth). then they clean off your belly, stick a needle in (and it stands straight up, just like you), and you can see the band/port on the tv screen (just like the movies!). then they have you swallow some barium crap (tastes just as it sounds) and you can see it move through the band. very odd. but very cool.

he put in 5 ccs (he says MLs because he is still on the metric system??), which was too much. it couldn’t move through the band, something about scar tissue and still healing. so he went down to 2 ccs. too little. put an additional cc in. it was juuuuuuuuuuust right!! so i have 3 ccs in my 14 cc band. he said that i will likely only need one or two more fills to be at the right restriction, though i already can tell the difference.

sat up, drank some water. it went down. good to go!

the robes/gown were awkward…especially around strangers in the ladies dressing room.

also, i think he read my hospital survey (which heaped tons of praise on the admission nurse!!) in which i said he was capable and kind, but his bedside manner was off putting. he came out with guns blazing, shouting “hi” and “how are you” and “where the hell have you been?” (not really, but that would have been funny…and apropos). glad to know someone actually reads those scantron tests.

so now i’m back on liquids (including soups) for the next three days and then back to my soft foods. see the dietitian next week to go over my new eating plan. another one: yes!

so there you have it, folks. i’ve got 3 ccs in this band of mine, and i’m rocking and rolling with liquids until the weekend. it wasn’t painful, it just was. and now it’s over. until the next time.